Keeping a record of chess moves will be very useful in improving your standard of chess. If this cannot be done, the king is said to be in checkmate. If a player’s king is threatened with capture, it is said to be in check, and the player must remove the threat of capture on the next move. The object of the game is to trap the opponent’s king so that its escape is not possible (checkmate). A player is said to ‘have the move’ when his opponent’s move has been completed. The player with the White pieces commences the game. The game of chess is played between two opponents who move their pieces alternately on a square board called a chessboard. Although the king is the most important piece, it is usually the weakest piece in the game until a later phase, the endgame.

If the position is such that neither player can possibly achieve a checkmate, the game is drawn. Leaving one’s king under attack, exposing one’s king to attack and also ’capturing’ the opponent’s king is not allowed – the opponent whose king has been checkmated has lost the game. The player who achieves this goal is said to have checkmated the opponent’s king and to have won the game. The objective of each player is to put the opponent’s king under attack in such a way that the opponent has no legal move. According to, the length of side of a square should be twice the length of the diameter of the base of a pawn. Horizontal rows are called ranks and vertical rows are called files. The board is placed so that a white square is in each player’s bottom-right corner. Sixteen White and sixteen Black pieces are placed on the board at the beginning of the game. No matter what the actual colors of the board, the lighter-colored squares are called “light” or “white” and the darker-colored squares are called “dark” or “black”. The following table describes one version of Indian chess terminology for the various pieces (including Hindi/Urdu pronunciations): Name Western Hindi Urdu King Rājā or Bādshāh Bādshāh Minister Mantrī or Wazīr Wazīr Elephant Hāthī Hāthī Horse Ghoṛā Ghora Camel ūṅṭ Ūnt Infantry Paidal or Pyādā Paidal or Pyādā See also Ĭhess is played on a square board divided into 64 squares (eight-by-eight) of alternating color. The knight has been called a horse since times, and is attested to in the iconography of the modern knight.
Run 8 Train Simulator Download Free on this page. Names of the pieces The queen is called the Minister.

The king can make a move once in a game, known as Indian castling. Normal castling with rook and king is absent.The two-step initial pawn move is absent in Indian chess thus, is also absent.When only the king and are left in play, the opponent may not give check, but they can win by stalemate.